Woke Doctors Remove Very Real Racial Differences In Kidney Function, Mess Up Transplant List

9 months ago

Back at the end of February, we told you about Ben Shapiro exposing DEI programs and policies in medical schools across the nation. We, and Shapiro, came to the same conclusion: woke is going to injure and kill people. And now this, from Not The Bee: Woke doctors thought a tool that accounts for ethnic differences in kidney function was racist, so they removed it and screwed up the entire kidney transplant database 😑 https://notthebee.com/article/dei-messes-up-kidney-transplant-waiting-list-some-get-transplants-whether-they-need-it-or-not-some-not-so-much

Here are the details: Modern medicine has known for years that there are some basic physiological differences between ethnicities that require different types of healthcare. One of those differences is that black people tend to have higher serum creatinine concentrations than white people: up to six times higher. What is normal for a black person might be end-stage kidney disease in a white person. When determining the advancement of kidney disease, doctors use an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) to determine how fast the kidneys are removing excess creatinine from the body, and the kidney transplant list uses the eGFR to determine the order in which patients would receive kidneys.

Rationally, the eGFR included an ethnicity-based calculation to account for the different normal levels of creatinine, so that really sick people would get transplants first, and people who were not sick would not get a transplant that they did not need. This is incredible. Years of medical research and science done away with in the name of woke, and now people are going to die. And specifically white people, for whom higher serum creatinine concentration means more advanced kidney disease. Aaaaand THAT didn't take long. 🍋🍋🍋 Maybe Don LeMon can explain to us how this is better for us all now that Doctors are finally making medical decisions without accounting for discriminatory kidney data.

• More at: Twitchy - DEI Kills: Woke Doctors Remove Very Real Racial Differences in Kidney Function, Mess Up Transplant List

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