Arizona Dem Senator Tells Her Colleagues In A Speech About Her Plan To Get An 'Abortion'

10 months ago

It figures the Associated Press would pick up on this. Back when the Dobbs decision came down, there was a lot of wailing about how women were going to die; "It has already started," they claimed. Actress Halle Berry was passing abound this list of "abortions" that women would die if they didn't have. -- Yeah, the thing about that is, none of those procedures is an abortion. Arizona State Senator Eva Burch said during a floor speech that she was planning to get an abortion after learning her pregnancy was no longer viable. -- The Associated Press @AP: “In a speech on the Arizona Senate floor Monday, Democrat lawmaker Eva Burch told her colleagues she plans to get an abortion after learning her pregnancy is no longer viable.” -- Again, funny how the AP took a sudden interest in Arizona floor speeches.

This is personal for me because my wife suffered a miscarriage with her second pregnancy. It was a blighted ovum — which was never going to develop. So she had a D&C, which sounds like what Burch is going to have. Her pregnancy is no longer viable, so she's getting an "abortion." I certainly didn't think that my wife had had an abortion. But the shrieking harpies on the Left insisted that a D&C was an abortion. Treatment for an ectopic pregnancy was an abortion, even though there was no chance of a baby being born. -- Kimberly Ross @SouthernKeeks: “I experienced a miscarriage in 2019. If my body had not naturally expelled I would have had to get a D&C. That is standard care for a miscarriage. It is not an abortion. And abortion is the targeted killing of an unborn life. Let’s be clear about that.” -- Exactly. Conflating miscarriage and abortion is so sick. Horrible for all the usual reasons, but also a perverse insult to any woman that has lost a wanted pregnancy.

It's like saying cancer kills people, so polonium poisoning should be fair game. Just evil. They are so disingenuous. This is a disturbing thing to do. It's so weird. It's like they are proud. There’s a medical text somewhere that called a D&C an abortion, and since someone found that, these imbeciles who haven’t read anything other than Harry Potter and the book jacket of Handmaid’s Tale consider that an original source. I don't understand how Burch having a miscarriage requires an abortion. I understand why the AP picked it up, and I understand that the pro-aborts will lie and tell horror stories of women dying because they can't get "reproductive care." We mourned our loss, but the pregnancy wasn't viable. There wasn't going to be a baby to abort. This is just gross.

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