"Puppy Vs Shadow Puppets"

7 years ago

"You know how dogs are the guardians of the house and always on alert? Well, this doggo took this to the next level. He is defending his owner from a scary creature on the wall. You wonder what kind of monster scared this doggie? Believe it or not, it’s a simple shadow puppet. Yup, the dog started barking at the shadow puppet dad was making on the wall. What a brave little guardian!nThe spirited little doggo from our video is Bulldog. Despite its stout body and formidable features, the Bulldog is extremely gentle and very protective of its family. This breed is known to be lazy which makes it an ideal friend for kids. It is a particularly good family dog and should never be vicious or aggressive. Bulldogs also are exceptional guard dogs, which you can see in our video. He would protect his family even from this evil wall thingy. Hilarious!"

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