T-832 風暴衝擊! | 7 kills 7.8k dmg | world of tanks | @pewgun77

11 months ago

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T-832 風暴衝擊! | 7 kills 7.8k dmg | world of tanks - Free Online Best Games on PC Video

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This Pewgun channel is a channel dedicated to sharing WoT game's replay.(PewGun Channel), your go-to destination for all things World of Tanks! Our channel is dedicated to helping players improve their gameplay, learn new strategies.Whether you're a seasoned veteran or just starting out, join us on the front lines and discover the thrilling world of tank warfare!

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CONTACT / BUSINESS: worldtank1212@gmail.com

~~~~~The introduction of tank below is quoted in WOT's website (Tankopedia)~~~~~

Rebuilding electrical circuit: complete. Emergency power source: online. Microprocessor integrity: thermal damage, 1... 1... Error, no data. Analytical unit: fully operational. Rebuilding mission components: complete. Integration into new shell: complete. I remember molten metal. I remember servos failure. Failure of optical elements. The darkness and silence at the end. I am back in action. In a new form taken from that molten metal. No more silence. I hear the familiar anvil strikes: Tuh-dun-dun-tuhdun. Tuh-dun-dun-tuhdun.

Nation : U.S.A.
Tier : VIII

6 Crews-
Radio Operator


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