My 7th PRS Match Reviewed. The Good And The Bad!! Kestrel Issue?

11 months ago

Let's go over my 7th PRS match I did this last Sunday! I started out pretty decent, then seemed to fall apart by the end of the match, lol.
Some of the positional stages I did fairly good on, especially since I did some things I have not practiced before. I really should have stuck with my original plan and used the bags in the way that I had worked on a bit, but I saw that everyone else was doing something different, so I figured that must be the best way to do it. I had not practiced that, so I fumbled around with some of the position changes. I ended up with decent hits on 2 of the 3 positional stages.

On the prone, I started well with 4 out of the 5 shots at 1050 hitting the steel! Then something went wrong for the remainder of the stages. I got much fewer hits that I should have. I could not see where my misses were, so I was not able to properly correct for follow up shots. I realized that my Kestrel was losing compass calibration quite a lot. That got me to worrying about the numbers it was giving me. I tried to manually input the direction and wind data, but I'm guessing that I did some of that wrong. I should not have missed as many as I did. There were a few stages I should have done better on! But, I'll be doing more work on the Kestrel the next few weeks. I will find what is causing the compass to go out of whack and see if once I get that issue ironed out I can get a few more hits each stage. I know most of my shots felt really good. Solid trigger presses and centered on target very well. But, if I was dialing the wrong numbers on my scope, my shots of course were going somewhere I was not expecting them to!!

So, as usual, I did a few things well, and found a few more things I need to work on. Thankfully, the weather is finally warming up!! I can get out and do more outdoors for longer now. I found a few things that I can build to set up in my back yard and work on the positional stuff. Once I am more confident with that part of it, and able to 100% trust my Kestrel data, I think I will add at least 12-16 hits per match.
Overall, I ended up 4th!! Even with my mistakes, I still did decently well. I need to get 8-10 more to get myself up to 3rd, but I am happy with my final finish.

Stay tuned! There will be a lot more coming now that the Oklahoma weather is more pleasant!!

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