"Girl Mistakes Wombat for Polar Bear"

7 years ago

"Can you distinguish between a polar bear and a wombat? If you think this question is stupid and irrelevant, just wait until you’ve seen this video! It’s snowing heavily, and this little girl is out playing and having fun. Suddenly she sees an animal trying to make its way through deep snow and she yells to her mom: “Polar bear, polar bear!” A polar bear in a backyard? No way! The little girl’s mom starts laughing and explains to her daughter that she’s actually seen a wombat.If you are thinking of justifying this little girl’s bad judgment, take a look at these facts and think again! A wombat usually weighs about 20 kilos, and on the other hand, a polar bear can have a mass of incredible 450 kilos! A wombat’s average height is about 1 meter while a polar bear grows up to be twice as high. Not to mention the most obvious fact: a wombat’s fur is dark-colored, and a polar bear’s fur is white or even transparent! They are not similar in the slightest, and this confused little girl is hilarious!"

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