Math is Hard - Going Solo 3 (07)

11 months ago

Now that I'm back from the end, it's time to set up a nether hub so
that I can get to it easily. This would be easier if I could do
simple math.

Once the hub is done and I have quick and easy access to the end, it's
time to build an enderman farm. I'm going old school with a design
inspired by Pixlriffs and Gnembon. It takes a couple of extra hits to
take out the first wave of endermen but, thanks to sweeping edge,
endermen drop on every swing.

00:00 Intro
00:24 Setting up the home portal
01:43 Going deeper
06:37 Connecting to the stronghold portal
08:15 Simple math
10:36 A little hub decoration
12:23 Ender ender
17:41 The killing chamber
23:13 Outro

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