Should the Term ‘Long COVID’ Be Scrapped?

10 months ago

Queensland Chief Health Officer Dr John Gerrard is of the opinion that we should do away with the ‘Long COVID’ terminology altogether, and he has evidence to back it up. He was the lead author of some new research that found that the long-term symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to that of other viral infections. He said, “I believe it is time to stop using the term Long COVID. Using this term Long COVID implies that this virus has some unique, exceptional, and sinister property that differentiates it from other viruses and makes it far worse. We know that long-term symptoms after viral infections do occur, no matter what that infection is. That is something that is well described. This terminology can cause unnecessary fear, and in some cases, hypervigilance to longer symptoms that can impede recovery. Our evidence suggests that there isn't, that it is not dissimilar to other viruses. That does not mean that you can't get these persistent symptoms following COVID-19, but you're no more likely to get it after COVID than with other respiratory viruses.”

However, he did stress that he was not questioning the validity of long COVID. He said, “I want to make it clear that the symptoms that some patients describe after having COVID-19 are real. We believe they are real. What we are saying is that the incidence of these symptoms is no greater in COVID-19 than it is in other respiratory viruses and that to use this term long COVID is misleading. Post-viral syndromes do occur. We're absolutely saying that it does exist. We see it with Ross River virus. Clearly, we see it with influenza as well. But in the vast majority of people, recovery is the norm.”

Of course, many articles and commentators have come out in opposition of Dr Gerrard’s findings. The Conversation: “Why scrapping the term ‘long COVID’ would be harmful for people with the condition”. In there, they mention Dr Steven Faux who is the co-lead of a Long COVID clinic in Sydney, who stated the study is not without its flaws. He mentioned that the study excluded people who were hospitalised with COVID, potentially leaving out people who had the most severe symptoms, and only included people with smartphones, potentially missing out many older Queenslanders. He also noted differing levels of vaccination against COVID (90%), and influenza (40%), which may have influenced the findings.

Prof Philip Britton, a paediatric infectious diseases physician and a member of the Long COVID Australia Collaboration said, “The conclusion that it is time to stop using terms such as Long COVID is overstated and potentially unhelpful. Long COVID has been a global phenomenon, recognised by the World Health Organisation.”

Dr Bernard Shiu, who runs several long COVID clinics from his Victorian practices, also criticised Dr Gerrard’s findings. He said, “By properly diagnosing patients with long COVID, it acknowledges and validates their suffering. As doctors and scientists, we need to be faithful and truthful in what we are dealing with. Using the term “long COVID” appropriately and explaining to the patient forms part of our duty of care. By saying long COVID is not unique, we are almost saying COVID-19 itself is not unique. I think that’s an understatement. It is important to highlight the need to care for these patients and not to downplay their suffering.”

I find it interesting that a number of these doctors criticising the research also run Long COVID clinics. Some would argue that means they have more experience with the condition, but couldn’t we also argue that they have a vested interest? I mean, if you run a clinic that specialises in Long COVID, and then some research comes along saying it’s no worse than other forms of post-viral syndromes, then surely that could potentially hurt your business, right? That said, who am I? I’m just a layperson. But clearly Dr Gerrard is not a nobody. He’s a Chief Health Officer. He is not denying the symptoms, just stating that the research found that the symptoms of Long COVID are not significantly different to other post-viral syndromes. What about those patients who can't access Long COVID clinics because they had the flu, or Ross River fever, or some other virus? Why not create post-viral syndrome clinics? Then perhaps everyone’s suffering can be validated.





Allégro by Emmit Fenn

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