11 months ago

2 Vehicle Accident Hospitalizes 1, BLANCHARD, March 20, 2024 - At approximately 7:40 pm on March 20, 2024, a black 2009 Toyota Camry, driven by Zavalla Gutierrez, 35 of Honduras, was south-bound on FM-2457 (next to Dollar General just off 190). A red north-bound 2014 Nissan Versa, driven by Elaine Carnegie, 67, of Livingston suddenly attempted a left turn into Dollar General but failed to yield to Gutierrez. The vehicles collided. Gutierrez's vehicle left the pavement to the right and continued up a mild slope, while Carnegie's vehicle came to rest on the pavement. Allegiance Ambulance Service was dispatched to the scene along with the Scenic Loop Volunteer Fire Department, Deputies from the Polk County Sheriff's Office, and Trooper Sean Barnes with the Texas Highway Patrol. Gutierrez was physically okay, but Carnegie was transported by ambulance to CHI Livingston Memorial Hospital with undisclosed injuries. Traffic was partially blocked during investigation and cleanup. Carnegie is facing a citation for failure to yield, while Gutierrez is facing citations for no driver's license and no insurance. Carngegie's vehicle was recovered by Dan's Towing out of Livingston while Gutierrez's vehicle was recovered by LakeView Wrecker out of Livingston.

Special thank you: Scottie with Country Boy Towing

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