11 months ago

RAM 🐏 VS RAM 🐏: Two rams 🐏 🐏 head-butting each other other 😮. Rams headbutt as a natural behavior for various reasons. One of the main reasons is for establishing dominance and defending their territory. Headbutting allows rams to assert their strength and establish hierarchy within their herd. It is also a way for rams to compete for mates during the breeding season. Additionally, headbutting can be a form of communication and a way for rams to show aggression or resolve conflicts with other males.#wild #wildanimals #wildnature #wildlife #wildlifephotography #wildlifeonearth #wildlifeplanet #wildlifeaddicts #sheep #ram #herbivore #animal #animals #animallovers #animalcrossing #animallover #animalphotography #animalkingdom #animalplanet #animaladdicts #animalelite #wow #ram #funny CREDIT: unknown/original owner

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