Solar Eclipse April 8th 2024 - The Rapture 3 Days of Darkness Prophecy

6 months ago

Solar Eclipse April 8th 2024 - The Rapture 3 Days of Darkness Prophecy


Only the devil himself would prevent humans from knowing that Jesus is The Truth, world-ending cataclysmic was coming, and to get right with God. Instead, satan and his minions crafted the lie of "climate change" and "Covid" to inject humans with genetic alterations rendering them no longer human but owned under patents of the vaccine manufacturers, and then install the Mark of the Beast via device frequency and LED directed self-assembling nanotechnology already in their bodies.

The April 8th, 2024 eclipse is the last chance to repent and accept Jesus before the Beast System comes online en force. Believers are not appointed to God's Wrath (1 Thess. 5:9).

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