The Face This Cat Makes Is A Clear Sign That She Is One Happy Feline

7 years ago

Miu the cat likes to suck and knead her blanket when she's happy. However, she usually forgets to put her tongue away when she sits up, resulting in this hilarious face!

It is not an uncommon occurrence with cats all around the world, both domesticated and feral. But what does that really mean? Let’s take a look, shall we?

When you think about it, cats have been worshipped since the dawn of time. Ancient Egyptians even had a goddess that was part woman, part cat, called Bastet and back in those days the penalties for injuring or killing a cat were severe. It should come to no surprise, given how cats are usually such dignified creatures, elegant and poised. That goofy tongue sticking out is not a glitch in the cat’s system, oh no; it is actually pretty endearing in our furry feline friends.

Basically, a cat’s tongue is one of their most powerful tools. They keep it under close guard and used it then they need to literally gather information about their surroundings. When a cat is happy and relaxed, especially in their sleep, their pink spiky tongues can slip out of their jaws, resulting in a sight that will make even the hardest of hearts turn to mush.

An occasional slippage of the tongue is very normal with our furbabies, so do not fret. When a cat cleans herself, or as we said before, gathers information by licking its fur where someone has pet her, the tongue cat get a bit dry and fails to retract completely for a moment or two. If she does it repeatedly, maybe she doesn’t like the taste of the food she just had or there is something hurtful in her mouth. For an older cat, it could be a sign or some serious issue, so be sure to consult with a specialist to make sure that yours is, in fact, one happy kitty.

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