March 20 2024

7 months ago

Official Statement from Nation-wide Protest Against The Carbon Tax

Date: March 20th, 2024

To our valued members, supporters, and the broader community,

We at Nation-wide Protest Against The Carbon Tax wish to extend our deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences to those affected by the unfortunate incident during the recent fishermen's protest in Newfoundland. Our thoughts are particularly with the individual who suffered injuries due to a horse-related incident. We stand in solidarity with the injured, their families, and all those impacted by this event.

We also want to express our unwavering support for the fishermen’s protest in Newfoundland. We recognize the importance of their cause and the courage it takes to stand up for one's beliefs and livelihoods. Their fight underscores the broader challenges and frustrations faced by many across various industries and communities.

In light of recent events, we want to reaffirm our commitment to peaceful protest and constructive dialogue. As we approach April 1st, plans for our movement remain unchanged. We continue to advocate for our cause with the same passion and dedication, always prioritizing the safety and well-being of our participants.

We call upon our members and supporters to remember the importance of peaceful assembly and respectful engagement during our upcoming actions. Let us honor the spirit of solidarity that unites us by ensuring our demonstrations are safe, positive, and impactful.

Together, we stand strong in our convictions and in our commitment to effecting change. We thank you for your continued support and participation as we move forward with our plans for April 1st.


Nation-wide Protest Against The Carbon Tax Admins.

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