Purim - Part 1 (2024)

1 year ago

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0:00:33 halachot of hearing the Megilla reading
0:03:15 Parsha Shoftim re disrespecting the Sages
0:05:31 decrees made by the Sages, ex. yihud
0:10:26 fast days and holidays made by the Sages
0:12:01 Hanukka
0:15:24 Purim - Haman and Hitler are related
Edom - Eisav-Elifaz-Amalek
King of Amalek was Agag, Haman was an Agagite
0:16:39 Nazi Germany alluded to in Talmud prophecy
0:19:36 the strange phenomena of Amalek
0:23:46 why is a half-and-half Jew dangerous?
0:28:18 a faker is worse than a completely wicked
0:31:55 only ignorant fools admire HERTZEL?
Hertzel refused to circumcise his son and called him Hans, desecrated Shabbat, lit christmas tree in his home, spoke to the pope re turning all Jews to Christians
0:32:56 how did the Zionists torture the religious Yemenite Jews?
cut their peyot, stole their newborns and sold them for experiments
0:38:04 Zionists arrived in 1917 turned Israel into Kommunist
0:40:09 Shimon Perez assisted with the kidnapping of Yemenite Jewish babies in turn for having France build a nuclear facility in Israel
0:43:43 who made the biggest damage to Israel?
0:45:03 Yakov and Eisav, the root of the problem
0:51:08 Amalek and the hot bubbling pool
0:52:24 difference between Jews and goyim today and before
0:55:12 the time of the story of Purim
1:00:28 Haman started as a barber, had many wives and 208 kids
1:04:52 Achashverosh, the king of Persia
1:06:15 Vashti, daughter of King Belshazzar
1:07:19 Megillat Ester's story took 9 years
1:09:10 Belshazzar's party desecrated the stolen Temple utensils
1:16:27 Haman said the Jews are "scattered and separated"
1:20:01 false claims of secular Israelis
1:20:33 Ghandi, Dr. Schwaitzer, ungrateful Africans
1:21:40 Haman's claims against the Jews
1:22:14 the party begun, wine and food were kosher
1:23:31 is a Jew allowed to pretend to be a goy in liferisk?
1:32:43 why did Mordechai, the chief rabbi stood at the gate?
1:44:29 Vashti made a party
1:56:50 the King's dilemma if kill Vashti
2:01:57 hidden agenda of the former PM with a quarter on his head
2:04:44 why Haman wanted Vashti to die?
2:06:24 the smart reply of the Sages
2:07:50 search for a new Queen
2:09:41 Ester was married
2:10:49 Solika's grave in Morocco
2:13:06 modesty of non-Jews in 100 years ago
2:14:22 Rabbi Akiva and Papus
2:16:48 ARMY SERVICE turns Israel to LAND OF GOYIM
2:17:49 being prosecuted for teaching vs for nonsense
2:22:15 wicked staff of Yadvashem exhibit Nazi photographs of naked Jewish women
2:27:58 HOW DO JEWS become HALF-N-HALF?
2:28:39 what awaits you in the ISRAELI ARMY?
2:29:49 ENORMOUS shortage of rabbis in Israel
2:32:40 where was God in 10/7? in the Holocaust?
2:35:28 the 10/7 PARTY with a BUDDHA on SIMCHAT TORAH
2:36:55 what stopped the chainsaw from killing a man?
2:38:58 TZITZIT: every second earns a mitzva for its wearer
2:39:20 MEZUZA: the 2nd easiest mitzva
2:41:48 one's attitude before and after conversion
2:43:28 Santa Clause sells sleeveless tops for Jewish women
2:46:58 small knowledge with humbleness vs large knowledge with arrogrance

Purim - Part 1 (2024)

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