MSNBC Fears Texas Border Security Law Will Allow 911 Calls To Be Refused

11 months ago

The fearmongering from MSNBC was out of control during Wednesday’s Andrea Mitchell Report. Amid a legal battle over another Texas border security law, host Andrea Mitchell seemingly suggested that the law (now put on hold) would allow 9-1-1 dispatchers to “refuse” certain calls if they suspected it came from an illegal immigrant. She was also joined by two activists for illegals who claimed the law was meant to allow the cops to just roundup and deport anyone who wasn’t “a white individual or white-passing person.” Speaking to Jennifer Babaie, the director for advocacy and legal services for Las Americas Immigrant Advocacy Center, Mitchell scoffed at Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s (R) assurances that he would not direct the State Troopers to target “longtime residents,” as she put it. She also suggested he would have them use “racial profiling” as they go after “legal residents, longtime residents,” and other who “just might get caught up in this on somebody's suspicion.”

“It is so important to be aware that the law is written so broadly as to encompass the entire state of Texas. There's nothing in the writing of this law that focuses it only on the border land,” Babaie whined, ignoring the fact the Biden administration had bused illegal all over the state. She speculated, without evidence, that the law would be used to arrest people who were in the U.S. legally. (…)

• More at: NewsBusters - MSNBC Fears TX Border Security Law Will Allow 911 Calls to Be Refused
• Related: Rumble - Nonprofit Caught On Video Handing Residency Papers To Man Without ID

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