"The Summer Bride" by Kevin Blair

1 year ago

The Summer Bride:
This song's about the death of Princess Diana of Wales. It was written back when she was laid to rest on September 6th, 1991. Its my sentiments on her life and character. I was moved by her beauty, her wedding, and the long train of her gown. She cared about people in a genuine way and left the world better than she found it, along with her ministry and the Diana Trust, and much more. Diana had a very giving spirit, and outshined all the rest of the royal house of Windsor. It was a long, hot summer day in July 1981, travelling through New Mexico when I watched the royal wedding on a drugstore TV. Something about Diana's gown grabbed me. Visuals easily effect me. I'm not usually taken to any royalty, but princess Diana had that wonderful, rare fairy tale mystique of a royal woman that wanted to run away and purposely get lost in order to escape the drudgery of protocols; the imprisonment of extravagance, wealth and fame and boring formalities; and finding true romance outside a forced marriage. Can't find anything about a storyline like that of depth and quality on this wretched internet! I know its out there somewhere on a rare bookshelf. I remember reading it, but the title eludes me. The internet has been ruined by the handlers, for whenever I try to pinpoint something, like a bored princess for example, it can't be found! So very much can't be seen online anymore! One gets mostly revisioned material. And the libraries have sold those old books away. To those who wonder what my expression "the rainbow no longer waits for her shadow" means, I offer this: When we're out watering our garden, we'll see a rainbow in the water mist; right? And our shadow is in front of it. The rainbow is everywhere that sunlight shines. It just takes a water spray to be seen. The spectrum of light is everywhere, even in moonlight (moonbows). Even though we don't see a rainbow, it's still there. Hence, "the rainbow no longer waits for her (or any other deceased person's) shadow". Once, I was riding up the street on my bicycle one day, and I saw a rainbow before me, as though seen in water spray from a hose, but much fainter. It was low humidity that day, and no mist was drifting off the farm fields, for no sprinklers were turned on. The sunlight was behind me, and I, and my shadow were riding toward the rainbow. It was a beautifully strange experience. God is good!
So, I hope you all get something good out of the song. - Kevin Blair

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