Alien Invasion: a Leftist Power Grab

6 months ago

According to the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), there are more than 70 million illegal aliens living here in America now, with tens of thousands more are pouring in every day through our bleeding Southern border. Perhaps as many as 18 million of those aliens have been permitted to enter our country unlawfully during the Biden regime alone, which refuses to defend our nation's borders or enforce our immigration laws.
So, why should those Americans [like me] whose ancestors created, fought, bled and died to preserve America for themselves and their "posterity" (see the Preamble of the U.S. Constitution) not believe they and their children are being dispossessed of a country that was their patrimony -- and without their consent? When did the We the People of this country ever vote to convert the America that we grew up in into the polyglot, Third World country that our children will soon inherit if our nation's borders are not secured?
We didn't, and that's my point.
It's long been obvious that We the People no longer decide how our nation is governed. Instead, it's governed by an unelected Global elite who serve their own agenda, which is destabilization of all Western nation states, centralization of economic and political power, human depopulation, and global [Technocratic] governance under the control of the United Nations, are achieved within the Four Centers of Power: political, financial, intellectual, and ecclesiastical.
The Thirteen Families:
What we are currently witnessing is a program of GENOCIDE being implemented by the the U.S. State Department and the United Nations here in America, just like the U.N. and George Soros teamed up to invade Europe over the past four decades. They're doing the same thing to America now. Look how all that unwanted immigration worked out for the Indigenous Europeans. Not so well. The most popular name in Sweden and Ireland now is "Muhammad."
The nations of Europe will never be the same again.
America is under attack, folks. We're being invaded--plain and simple. Not only does this invasion accomplish the long established [Replacement Migration] goals of the United Nations to increase our nation's population to more than 600,000,000 people, it also serves the interests of the Democratic Party, for they will again use their mail-in ballot election fraud scheme to steal the November election, just like they stole the 2020 election.
The Globalist, Woketard Left knows that we've have had it with their Socialist and Totalitarian policies, all of which have not only destroyed peace, prosperity, and freedom in this country, they've eroded our sovereignty and our cultural unity as well. So, knowing that they could never win an honest election in any but the most Leftist of American cities, the Democrats are sandbagging by importing more [ready-made] Socialists in order to overwhelm the "One People" at the polls in 2024, and at the very least, change the make-up of Congress after the next Census.
These 18,000,000 new people will be apportioned, by Law, a level of Congressional representation that will shift the political power in Congress towards the Democratic Party forever.
I can also guarantee you that Biden will give each and every one of these unwelcome interlopers Amnesty before the elections of 2024. That way these hordes of unwelcome aliens can vote "D" in that election, and thereby overthrow the will of the American People, which, I can assure you, is the opposite of what the Globalists who are currently in power want.
To put it as mildly as I possibly can, we have a criminal, illegitimate federal government, and most of the demons who are currently running that junta in D.C are TRAITORS who have perjured their Oaths to "support and defend the Constitution." Therefore, I think they ought to be prosecuted for that perjury of Oath, and that we ought to implement whatever reforms are necessary to safeguard our liberty and re-institute the Republican form of government that our nation's Constitution promises.
Preamble to the U.S. Constitution (the Purpose Statement)
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and OUR POSTERITY (descendants of the Founding Generation), do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Article IV Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion...
U.S. Constitution:
What is a "Republican" form of government? To start with, it has nothing to do with the Republican Party. The word "Republic" itself comes from the Latin, which quite literally, means "the public thing." That important word identifies our form of government as one that is based upon a written Constitution (our public thing), and the adherence [under Oath, in many cases] of each and every person who works for that government, not only to obey the letter and spirit of our nation's Constitution, but also to act [ONLY] in ways that are pursuant to its stated purposes, while at the same time subjecting themselves to all of the limitations [of power], set out within that Charter.
When our nation's immigration policies are being made, not by Americans, but by a bunch of unelected foreign bureaucrats at the United Nations, then obviously, we no longer have a Republican form of government, nor even a Democracy for that matter; and when our nation's so-called Executive Branch no longer defends our country from invasion, but instead spends hundreds of billions of our taxpayer Dollars defending other countries from invasion while actually encouraging and facilitating the invasion of our own, then something has gone terribly wrong which demands our complete and undivided attention.
Alien Invasion: Resist or Die America
Freedom Manifesto
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