Easter is a pagan holiday about Ishtar a sex goddess

10 months ago

Easter is beyond pagan and has been around since nimrod in ancient Babylon! God wants people to not celebrate this wicked pagan holiday about Ishtar a sex moon goddess! Dying eggs, doing sunrise services, and weeping for Ishtar, Jesus died on Wednesday and rose on Saturday, he did not die on Friday and rose on Sunday!! The Catholic Church came around after Constantine let pagan Romans into the church in Rome and ended persercution, the Catholic Church started the good Friday nonsense and lent and weeping for tammuz, dead churches do not care what God has to say about Easter and keeping it, these people honor Me with their lips but their hearts are far from Me, then God said remember that I the Lord have brought you out of Egypt and do not keep the pagan ways of people around you that worship Baal, Molech, Ishtar for I will destroy you if you reject Me, Easter is pagan and those who keep it are making God angry! You are worshiping Satan and nimrod was a wicked man, then nimrod said we must build tower to reach heaven for I am God!! Then God sent His angel down and he stroke all the people working at tower of Babel and they spoke a different language for nimrod wanted to reach heaven with his tower, Nimrod married semeranias and he called her Ishtar a queen of heaven, their son tammuz was born on December 25th , on palm Sunday they would bring tammuz in to celebrate Ishtar! Easter is all about sex, killing babies and worshiping Satan, so stop celebrating Easter!! Jesus said you can't follow Me and Satan! Whoever doesn't hate His life, family, friends and leave them can't follow Me! You are either for Jesus or Satan

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