100% Verifiable COVID-19 Vaccine Injury Compilation.

11 months ago

Please watch this 100% verifiable COVID-19 vaccine injury compilation video, which includes tons of examples.

This should be shared with EVERYONE!! Especially those who still believe the mainstream narrative of "safe & effective." WE HAVE BEEN LIED TOO!! It's time to wake people up!

It Should Be Noted You Will Hear Trump Speak The Exact Same Words Supporting The "Vaccines" That Biden And ALL The Corrupt Politicians Around The Are Told To Say. Both Biden And Trump Are Heard Saying "people who take the vaccine are not dying". Just Like All Of These Disgusting Politician Criminals . This is where Trump loses all credibility.

I recall hearing Trump state that he was going investigate what really happened on 9/11 when he was campaigning for his presidency in 2016. Once he was elected there was no more mention of it.

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