Canada’s latest move has got Israel throwing a toddler style tantrum!

6 months ago

Israel are wailing like big babies over Canada's latest ruling, as a vote has passed to stop arming the apartheid state.
Right, so Canada, land of maple syrupy goodness, Ryan Reynolds, and a Prime Minister that we haven’t forgotten stood up and saluted a literal Nazi, which for many of us meant it was little surprise that Canada has also been supporting and arming Israel whilst committing it’s genocide of Gaza, but there’s been a shift and it’s not being widely reported here, because frankly it’d make us look bad and goodness we know our media don’t believe in holding our government to account on the international stage, but Canada have gone ahead and made the spoilt brat of nations, Israel have a toddler tantrum, spit its dummy and stamp it’s tiny feet in fury, because Canada have just opted to ban arms sales to Israel and that’s going to put a lot of political leaders, a lot of other nations in a very difficult position because by banning arms sales and laying out their justification for doing so now, it’s going to be very difficult for other nations to refute that, especially when all of us have seen what has been going on for months out there and are pretty much thinking, well it’s about time someone made a move on this, to stop arming Israel.
Right, so Canada have moved to ban arms sales to Israel and about time too, though of course they aren’t the first. The Netherlands were stopped by a court order from continuing to arm Israel, supplying parts for F-35 bombers as they have been doing. Spain and Belgium had already ceased to do so, as had Japan, who’s Itochu Corporation ended a busi9ness partnership it had with Israeli weapons manufacturer Elbit Systems, who’s factories regularly get protested at here in the UK and a lot of other countries have said that they aren’t going to buy weapons from Israel any longer too – yes, they sold them as much as they bought them from the likes of us - but Canada has been a much bigger supplier, so this has had people made more aware of it, I won’t say widely, it’s not being covered widely, but of those aware it has had them sitting up and taking notice because a country like Canada has the capacity to embarrass other large suppliers for continuing to do so, such as the US who supply some 68% of Israel’s armaments, Germany, who had increased their supplies to Israel tenfold to supply 28% of their arms and of course the EU, France, Australia and certainly us here in the UK as well make up much of the rest, or our government do at any rate, most of us ordinary folk want it stopped already, but there’s been no sign of any desire to do so from either Rishi Sunak or Keir Starmer.
It's not like this move has come about as a result of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau having a change of heart though, he’s running a minority government in Canada right now and is reliant on the support of the New Democratic Party to prop up his Liberal administration and it is one of the NDP ministers, Mélanie Joly, the Canadian foreign affairs minister, that has actually driven this. The NDP’s have become frustrated by Trudeau’s failure to do enough to protect civilians in Gaza, so they brought a motion calling for it to be banned.

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