Why Do Biden Supporters ACTUALLY Support Biden, Other Than “OrAnGe MaN bAd!”

11 months ago

Biden supporters/Democrats in general are some of the… dumbest people. They are EASILY manipulated and brainwashed, easily ready to become sheeple and don’t have original thoughts or beliefs. Everything they say is just a regurgitation of something they heard on CNN (like this whole “bloodbath” situation currently — they have no idea of the context, but CNN told them he said that, so he a bad man!), and they never seem to be able to actually state WHY they support their candidate.

Biden and this administration has been nothing but a failure. Additionally, Biden has early stages of Alzheimer’s and should be resting at home, like any other senior citizen. Yet, all registered Dems support him and want another term of him. Why? Well, typically, the only answer they have is because he’s not Trump.

I think in order to vote, people should need the following:
- an I.D. check before you cast a vote.
- an IQ test completed, to verify you are intelligent enough to understand why you should vote and to verify that your vote actually means something.
- pass a civics and economics test.
- demonstrate an understanding of the candidates with reasoning as to why you are choosing the one you are choosing using evidence of their policies and track record and such, not just “because he’s not the other guy”.

With these practices in place, it would weed out A LOT of the lll- informed (or even uninformed) dumbasses and lead to a higher quality of voting, which would result in better elections.

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