Helter Skelter Armagedon: Tex Watson's Fear of a Black Planet

10 months ago

The self proclaimed white devils knew that 400 years of slavery will end with inheritance in God's Kingdom. The Neanderthal population decline began in 1972 and was boosted by their cattle inoculations in 2021.

The synagogue of satan helped get rid of their so-called white race, hoping they could remain to govern the Chosen Black seeds of Abraham (s). They counted on the fact that Blacks had been dehumanized, driven clinically insane, and dumb down to levels of retardation. They didn't expect God to raise them completely as He promised.

The majority of the world looks at the perishing white race as they rant about teir world coming to an end. They display idiocracy in their devolved IQs, but imagine they are still more intelligent than God's Chosen people. We consider them entertainment and are not offended by their delusional rants. God is the Best Planner and watching them eat

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