Get it into your head .Celebrate Aries season

9 months ago

#sun #aries #astrology #wellness #video

I call my power back to me from all the places that it shouldn't be. Call your power back before you leave here for work every morning and after you come home because life can be draining, and just the word implies that you're being depleted of spiritual minerals and vitamins, so call your space back. Call your love back. Call everything back to you that is yours so you can sleep well and rise even better, and while we're in the sun in Aries, it's great to celebrate it. It's great for the next 30, 28 days, whatever it is.

In this podcast
-Sewing seed ...6 month bloom
-Are you an author get your boo featured -free
-Save your phone conversations
_moon insight and more

Celebrate the mindset, good, bad, or indifferent, right? We must be compassionate with ourselves because we're growing. We're growing, and one thing that's really good for our mindsets, our headspace, is sleep. Please do not deprive yourself of sleep. Sleep really helps the brain to grow, and when we take care of ourselves by nurturing ourselves with something as simple as sleeping, you know, one thing that helps me, I love a good bed ritual. Let me tell you, my bed, don't mess with my bed.

Sun in Aries -Moon in Leo balance your head and your heart before making any decisions. Speak your desires into existence. One love, and have a great day!
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