A Truth Bomb Explodes As A Man Reveals Who's Truly To Blame For The Migrant Crisis In Chicago

11 months ago

During a debate a few years ago, Joe Biden made it clear that if elected he would rescind Trump's policies that were keeping the border secure and made it clear that when that happens people should "surge to the border" where they could enter the U.S. illegally. Ever since then, the mayors of sanctuary cities haven't appreciated getting called on their virtue-signalling bluff and are now being overrun by illegals. The New York Post had this assessment of what's become of New York City this morning: Today's cover: Mayor Adams’ New York is a blunderful life – and it’s only getting worse https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJG_NTyWYAAmMiQ?format=jpg&name=medium

Meanwhile, in another sanctuary city called Chicago, residents are angered by the fact that so many resources have been diverted to handling the problem of taking care of all the illegal aliens that Biden invited into the country: South Shore, Chicago voted for Joe Biden in 2020 by a whopping 97%. This is how residents are reacting to Illegal migrants coming to their area. Biden is destroying America. - Chicago is POPPING off over migrant issue. “Democrats are criminals!” -- One instinct when watching interviews with Americans in those blue cities who are upset by the illegal immigration crisis is to hope the reporter (or anybody else in the room) would ask them who they voted for to provide a self-awareness check.

That's exactly what happened in this video featuring a Chicago resident airing her complaints about what the influx of illegals has done to her city. Truth bomb incoming! A truth bomb explodes as a man reveals who's truly to blame for the migrant crisis in Chicago! That’s how you truth bomb democrat voters. 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😁😁 It's really that simple. People who voted for the candidate who promised to open the border are responsible for what's happening because it wasn't such a massive problem four years ago. You can tell she doesn't want to feel the discomfort of having made a poor decision. It is what it is. See it, address it and stop doing it. Stop voting the same way expecting something different. And what are the odds she'll vote for Biden all over again?

Elections have consequences https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GI6H6pRWIAA7n3J?format=jpg&name=medium -- Meanwhile, Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson would like everybody to believe that what's happening in his deep blue city is the fault of Republicans.

Twitchy: 'It's YOUR Fault!' Chicago Resident Complaining About Influx of Illegals Gets a BRUTAL Reality Check
New York Post: Mayor Adams’ New York is a blunderful life – and it’s only getting worse
Rumble: South Shore, Chicago Voted For Biden By A Whopping 97%… But Not Fans Of Illegal Immigrants There
Rumble: Chicago Residents Complaining About Influx Of Illegals: 'Democrats Are Criminals!' (They Voted For)

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