2024.03.19 Kawartha First Nation - Jim Grensides Deputy Chief

11 months ago

2024.03.19 Kawartha First Nation - Jim Grensides Deputy Chief

... meanwhile today at the
Kawartha Lakes City Council
Historical Event at City Hall Today!
March 19, 2024. It got so hot, the City Staff called the Kawartha Lakes Police Service for protection.
No longer does the public take it from the Council, Mayor, or should I say “Head of Council” and the unelected CAO. (not that I’m convinced that ANY of the others were legitimately elected, but that’s another topic).
The Municipality, in writing, claimed they respect the First Nations people of this land and promised to involve them in decisions on things such as land issues, yet they are barging ahead on some gigantic residential development (think of all the tax and also permit $$$ coming to them – btw, we still have not seen where that line is in the budget) that the poor city cannot possibly digest, as they are already over capacity in sewage, roadways, schools, health, police services… the list goes on.
Go to the Kawartha Lakes city website and type in First Nation Policy June15 2021
Read where the Municipality made it POLICY to involve First Nations in decisions.
Sounds really nice but in reality they DENIED the requests of six band council members to speak.
So they all spoke anyway despite the mayor ordering them to sit down (and this was at recess!). Videos coming...
If you watched the city’s broadcast of the meeting today, you will not see the part where the cops walked in or hear any of the kerfuffle, but we got it all here!
Even the part where Councilor Perry goaded on an upset woman as if he was going to take her in a fight.
Betters in the audience were giving her 10 to 1 odds.
Who was denied?
Here are the deputations by the SIX individuals who were DENIED to speak, as recorded in the lobby of City Hall that same afternoon:

Deputy Chief Jeff Armitage

Deputy Chief Jim Greensides

Doug Shaw Deputy Chief

Joanne Pepper - Band Council

Susan lough - Band Council

Ancient artifacts used by our ancestors found by farmers in Kawartha Lakes:
a) grinding stone tool used to grind grains
b) hide scraper blade
c) sling stone for slingshots
d) perforated stone used with a hide strap possibly used as a weapon

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