The Usual Suspects Are Surrounding Trump, We Are Watching

11 months ago

The Deep State corporate corrupt media will not tell you how many times we have lied to Russia. And have backed out of a number of deals made with Russia. We can force peace and Trump has too.
Are you sure Trump is going to do what he says? There aren’t any other candidates out there that there is a hope that will end the bureaucracies and end the corruption of the government.
When Trump campaigned the people wanted the wall, now you can say that Paul Ryan stopped the funding. The democrats do what they want, figure out how to do what they want. But when he got into office his focus was Obamacare and not the wall.
The usual suspects are starting to surround him. We will hold his feet to the fire on draining the swamp.
We have talked about the black vote in America moving to Trump. What if the black men convince black women to vote for Trump.
The Deep State knows that inflation is not going anywhere. And the American people know that this is not working.
Biden takes a swing through the southwest. Where he wanders off the stage.
What has happened in America is the Ron Paul Revolution days have matured. November 22, the murder of JFK.

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