Award For Closing Women's Shelter - Girl Scouts - Lonely Capitalists

10 months ago

Trudeau government gives medal to trans activist who got Vancouver rape shelter defunded for refusing to house biological men

A transgender activist, whose advocacy led to the withdrawal of city funding from Canada's oldest rape shelter, has recently been honored with a Meritorious Service Medal, recognizing her as a "champion of diversity" the Daily Mail has revealed.

Morgane Oger, a biological man who identifies as a transgender woman, received the award from Canadian Governor-General Mary Simon on December 7, standing alongside numerous other Canadians acknowledged for their noteworthy contributions. Oger expressed gratitude for the recognition, attributing the medal to her efforts in advancing legal protections for transgender Canadians.

Here’s Where to Take Your Kids When Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts Go Woke

As an Eagle Scout, I feel a debt to the Boy Scouts of America, but I also think the BSA abandoned its defining values by embracing transgender ideology. Both the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of the USA have embraced far-left social agendas that alienate many of the young families who form their natural constituencies.

I sat down Wednesday with Patti Garibay, founder and executive director of American Heritage Girls, the leading scouting alternative to the Girl Scouts. She founded American Heritage Girls back in 1995, after she realized that the Girl Scouts were promoting homosexuality and abortion.

Get Woke, Go Broke: Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts See Unprecedented Drop In Membership

Conservative Think Tank Spends $40 Million Trying to Frame Girl Scout Cookies as Woke

ALEXANDRIA, Va. — A bombshell study recently revealed a Conservative think tank spent $40 million trying to find a way to frame Girl Scout cookies as woke, Washington insiders reported.

Does Capitalism Really Make Us Lonely?

Presume the economic case for free markets is true: that capitalism makes us freer and richer, creates better jobs and greater opportunities, and helps us solve environmental problems. Does it make us happier too?

Is Anyone Surprised? Liberalism is a Mental Illness?

Apparently liberalism really is a mental illness?

The Gateway Pundit reports,

A study out of Finland has found that people who believe in “woke” ideas of social justice are more likely to be anxious, miserable, and depressed.

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