Flower of Light teaser - [Featuring Skyrim mods]

8 months ago

Hello, I'm Allison and video editing is not my passion (sorry for that).
Anyway, I wanted to do a little thing introducing some of the characters from the first book in my Fantasy series, the Eternal Stones.
I recorded some footage from Skyrim where I made the characters as followers (might share them soon).
Take this as a fun experiment and not 100% accurate to the story, but close enough :D
If you want to know more about the book, here's a preview of 44 pages, free to download: https://www.eternalstones.net/flower-of-light-the-eternal-stones-book-1/
The full book will be available on Amazon from November 18, and be on the lookout for a free promo on the Black Friday week!
Background music by Guilherme Bernardes (https://pixabay.com/it/users/guilhermebernardes-24203804/)
Mods used for the footage (mostly available on Nexusmods):
Caliente Beautiful Body Enhancer
HIMBO male body
AW Mosaic Male Skin (based on Vitruvia and Realore men’s)
Lovergirl skin
Expressive facegen morphs
WispMint's Natural eyes
KS Hairdos SMP
Beards and Brows by Hvergelmir
High Poly Head (from vectorplexis)
Verolevi animations
Tamrielic Textures
Skyrim flora overhaul
Rustic clothing
Viridian Knight armor
SunJeong Ninirim Collection
Outfit of the Confessor
Sons of Skyrim by NordwarUA
Amidianborn Book of Silence
Rudy ENB for Cathedral Weathers
(I might have forgotten something, in case let me know).

And if you want to check out my Skyrim mods, this is my profile on Nexus: https://www.nexusmods.com/users/92706553?tab=user+files

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