A Card Continually Jumps Around The Stack In A Baffling Manner

6 years ago

It's handy for a magician to maintain control of a card's position. Here, I demonstrate that a card is sometimes hard to keep track of.
A short stack containing one Ace and a few other spot cards is shown to the audience. The Ace is shown to be on the top of the stack, but is now placed on the bottom. With a quick flourish, the Ace shoots to the top of the stack. This is repeated, and then the Ace shoots back to the bottom just as quickly. An audience member is now requested to place the Ace in the centre of the stack, and again it is found on the top. This Ace is now held openly in the magician's hand, and immediately changes to a spot card. The audience member can now sort through the stack, to find the Ace somewhere in the centre.

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