Gina Hope sold into child Sex Trafficking, the life of a 'show girl' & breaking free of mind control

11 months ago

Gina Hope is a courageous survivor of Sex Trafficking and she joins us today to share her story of how she broke free and found true healing with Jesus

Today Gina speaks out to raise awareness and bring hope for survivors and our world. Gina’s message is no matter what you are enduring, God is able to and will heal everything

Gina is a true warrior and is using her voice to raise much needed awareness of the issues that survivors face as they heal. Today we are going to dive into some of Gina’s story, how children are able to be trafficked in our communities and discuss just how our state systems have been weaponised against us. Gina is going to share with us her incredible journey of healing and empowerment that allows her to share her story today

Gina's website

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