Aitona Flower's Heaven || Exploring Aitona: A Pink Paradise

11 months ago

#Aitona en la comarca #leridana del #Segrià, es uno de los municipios que más melocotón produce de España y Europa. Con más de ocho mil hectáreas de árboles frutales, entre melocotones, nectarinas y paraguayos, sus campos se convierten en un himno al rosa que atrae, durante las semanas previas a la entrada de la primavera, a miles de personas. Rutas guiadas, paseos en bicicleta, vistas desde miradores, vuelos en globo… las posibilidades de disfrutar de este escenario mágico y efímero son muchas y para todos los gustos.
Aitona is ready to start the new campaign next March 2nd and has the collaboration of the Raimat winery with different activities to enjoy the flowering spectacle.
Aitona presented today the flower campaign for this year, with a wide range of activities and tourist proposals that promise to make this event an unforgettable experience for all visitors. The presentation press conference was held this morning at Raimat Natura and included the presentation of the mayoress of Aitona, Rosa Pujol, and the representatives of the director of Raimat, Joan Esteve.
#aitona #flowers #floral #travel #travelvlog #vlogging #vlogs #spaintravel #catalunya #morocco #moroccofood
The morning began with the alarm ringing, making it as difficult to get out of bed as scaling a mountain peak. Even a bitter sip had to be taken, and after leaving the bed, the first thing was to mention the name of God and head to the washroom. After bathing, prayers were performed, and then the time was spent grooming oneself. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, then packed the camera into the bag and headed downstairs.

I intended to take a taxi to the metro station, but couldn't find one. Some friends might wonder why I needed a taxi to reach the metro station, but for those who've been to Barcelona or know the area, they understand that the downtown area of Barcelona is not entirely safe. But as the metro was unavailable, I resorted to strolling through the alleyways, reciting prayers as I walked.

With Allah's grace, I reached the metro station, but encountered some difficulties with pickpockets on the way. Even inside the metro station, those same individuals persisted. Boarding Line 1, I had to go to Fabra i Puig, where my friend Rana Usman, who was joining me on the trip, was waiting.

After getting off the metro and reaching the Fabra i Puig bus stop, we saw numerous buses there, including the one to Autona, our destination. But the travel agency we paid had no bus, nor any other passengers joining us. The thought of being swindled crossed my mind repeatedly, but thankfully, that wasn't the case. Shortly after, many others, like us, were also looking for the same travel agency's bus. Then, there was a relief that we weren't the only ones left stranded.

An hour later, we reached our final destination, Autona, where there was a bustling atmosphere. After getting off the bus, we found ourselves amidst a forest of flowers, and believe me, the entire environment, adorned with pink flowers, was so lovely that one could get lost in its beauty. These peach gardens stretched far and wide. Most people were busy taking selfies and TikTok videos.

Around midday at 12:30, we visited the town hall, where we started exploring stalls. Our appetite had peaked by then, and we roamed around, stumbling upon a Maroccan family's stall, where a very cute-smiling girl named Yasmin was managing it with her little sister and mother. Not only did we have breakfast there, but we also bought a magnificent mixture made from honey and almonds.

After that, we took a tour of the village, which was very clean and orderly, and the people were also very nice. Then, our next stop was towards a garden filled with white flowers, which were almond blossoms. Let me tell you something, around Autona and its nearby villages, they cultivate almonds, walnuts, and pistachios, and the entire #trip's ticket cost was 25 euros per person. Overall, it was a lot of fun!
#aitona #catalunya #floral #flowers #bustrips #travel #travelvlogs #beautifulplaces #travelvlogs #walkingtour @disneyspain @FCBarcelona
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