WARNING GRAPHIC! Planned Parenthood harvests baby organs 4 profit,imprisons all opposition

10 months ago


Has human/rat hybrid experiments.

Planned Parenthood we found out now has ties to Iran/China's Neo Silk Road where people are captured in North Africa, then forced into rap3 slaves, labor slaves, or have their organs harvested(often without pain medication, live while they watch). Iran/China makes 500-1000 billion a year in human trafficking and Planned Parenthood has links to them through the World Economic Forum (watch videos of Klaus Schwab talk).

Our world is being conquered, literally ruled by human traffickers... People who will make you disappear if you speak against them. This is why censorship is important not to have... They're franchising to America, censoring us. Of these million of poor terrorists and Chinese nationals there's always a bunch who will take a small bribe to execute any of us who speak out. They're also actively abducting people in America as rap3 slaves, labor slaves and do organ harvesting in the back of their vans. They don't use pain killer, they just duct tape you to a table and remove your organs as you die in pain watching.

Planned Parenthood has direct ties to these organizations... How would one think they could support the killing of innocent life and their own life not also be at risk? Watch this video if you need proof of all this happening. This video was not shocking to me, because I knew how bad the world has gotten, under the World Economic Forum, leaders of Naz1sm, Terrorism, Communism.

I don't think the world can stop these guys... We need Jesus to return.

Lao not Mao

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