NOAH DREAM LOCKDOWN Using Radiowave Frequencies to Modify the Weather DUTCHSINSE 14Mar24

11 months ago

NOAH DREAM LOCKDOWN Using Radiowave Frequencies to Modify the Weather DUTCHSINSE 14Mar24

Soul Trap,Holy War,Jesus Christ is The Door

Premiered Mar 14, 2024
The US Government says it is possible to modify the weather using electromagnetic radiation (radio waves).

It is listed as #8 on the list of things which PRIVATE COMPANIES must report if attempting to do (federal and state gov is exempt from reporting of course!)

Section 6(b) of Public Law 92–205. :

Weather modification playlist shown in the video (Weather Modification Official proof)

Owning the weather by 2025:

Anyone who said it was "impossible" to modify the weather using electromagnetic radiation (radio waves) was / is incorrect, and the disinformation they are pushing needs to be stopped at all costs!

Our lives are effected by this, and radio waves are effecting the weather in major ways that we all can see.

The days of denying it is "possible" are over. No one gets to deny it is possible now.

Now they have to shift to other denials.... which they will. No one will ever admit they were wrong from what I've seen, most people don't care about science, they care more about their previously held positions and "being right all the time".

They were wrong, we now know it.

If I had this proof in 2011, no one could have denied it was "possible" , but instead in 2011 they said it could not be done at all scientifically impossible. Now they look like liars fully, not just science skeptics, but the people who denied over the years now appear to be on an agenda of some kind to hide Directed Energy Weapons and Weather modification.

What is electromagnetic radiation? Simply put radio waves are electromagnetically made.

Quote multiple radio sources : "Radio waves are a type of electromagnetic radiation with the lowest frequencies and the longest wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. They have frequencies ranging from 3 kHz to 300 GHz and wavelengths from 1 millimeter to 100 kilometers. Radio waves are used extensively for communications, including voice, data and entertainment media. Devices such as television, mobile phones and radios receive radio waves and convert them to mechanical vibrations in the speaker to create sound waves."

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