TikTok Turmoil: Biden's SELL-OUT Agenda vs. American LIBERTIES

11 months ago

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Dubbed by many to be the "Patriot Act on Steroids" Senate Bill 686, referred to as the Restrict Act, made its way through Congress last year. Hefty fines and even imprisonment over accessing CCP parent company Byte Dance's wildly popular app TikTok still sits on the table, ready to punish any American who does so... retroactively. Despite the outcry over the Restrict Act by many in the mainstream media another Bill was recently introduced that would force the sale of TikTok by the Biden Administration. While the sale of the TikTok app is being sold to us in an 'in our best interest' package, the vague language,
censorship, and potential punishment involved should alarm every American. While the normalization of infiltration by spies, spy balloons, and the purchase of U.S. farmland by the CCP continues on we take a look at yet another
example of government overreach on our Civil Liberties.
#jamesanthonyreport #free #speech
Partial Transcript:
Back in April of last year, we brought to you a report on what was one of the most harmful Bills in the history of the Republic up to that point in Senate Bill 686 (S.686) also known as the Restrict Act. Leftist operatives and a cadre of Deep State RINO's (Republicans in name-only) cobbled together legislation to ban TikTok, using vague language, and at a time when the world was focused on the indictment of President Trump. Had that particular Bill been passed, a retroactive penalty of 20 years in prison or a one million dollar fine (or both) would've been imposed on any American who accessed TikTok using a VPN.
What is being proposed and pushed through this time is the forced sale of Tik Tok. While the CCP continues its strategic purchase of U.S. farmland around covert military bases, spy balloons being allowed to float across the country, Democrat politicians having been found engaging in romantic relationships with potential Chinese spies, and all manner of corruption going back to the days of the Clinton White House just before the Monica Lewinsky scandal, we
are supposed to trust that this Bill, House Bill 7521, has been put forth in our best interest. And just as was expressed in our last report, this report, the one you are currently watching, comes down on the side of Freedom.
Aside from the fact that this Bill has built in language that could be used against any social media platform solely at the discretion of your government at any time, the entire structure was constructed with your data in mind. From this standpoint, the standpoint of not allowing the CCP to dragnet user data, the Bill would be useless. As well, the only tech companies that could afford TikTok after the forced sale would be the same ones that censored your voices in the recent past; Meta, Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet, and so on.
To clarify the position of the James Anthony Report, we would have loved to see the public at large boycott the app in the first place and we do not condone the use of it. But with the long history of big government abuse when it comes to Civil Liberties (and the Restrict Act still on the table), along with
the forced sale of a private company (in this case Byte Dance) that smells like something out of a dystopian novel by Ayn Rand, we cannot stand by it.
And with President Trump now arguing against the ban and forced sale of Tik Tok, it only underscores the ever increasing disconnect between We the People and our elected officials in office.
This is James Anthony Reporting.

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