Inventive Parents Convert Empty Box Into Home Theater For Baby

7 years ago

No one ever said that parenting was easy, but over time, you get used to the unpredictability of it all and devise ways to make the most of it, most of the time. Having children in this day and age can be challenging. Sure, dangerous viruses are on the decline and we’ve developed more and more vaccines and cures for potential threats, but you still aren’t off the hook. Living in a safe world requires time and money and that’s not always a luxury we have.

However, despite it all, babies have been known to spark the creativity and imagination in their parents. When your child is unhappy, you’ll move heaven and earth to bring the smile back to that face, easy as that. We are always impressed by all of the ways parents resolve the crying baby issue, but this pair is hard to top.

Anyone can turn the TV on to stop their kid from crying, but this couple went a bit further and created a custom made movie theater for their child. With a tablet and an empty diaper box, this baby can now enjoy cartoons in a movie theater environment. Isn’t that just amazing? You can make sure that the screen isn’t too close to their face and the box makes them focus only on the cartoon, making this invention a surefire way of keeping those baby tears at bay. Absolutely fantastic!

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