The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth. Damage Prevention

10 months ago

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As we stated yesterday, prayer is the most powerful thing a human can do on Earth. Not to mention that it creates an intimacy between you and the creator of the universe.

The Damage of Prayerlessness
From Intouch Ministries
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Discouragement comes when we try to carry our load alone, but help is just a prayer away.
Colossians 4:2-6
Jesus often slipped away to spend quiet moments with His Father. If the Son of God needed prayer time, then we surely can’t live well without it. Yesterday we saw that those who “go it alone” become weary from bearing unnecessary burdens. Now let’s see the results of carrying that extra weight throughout life.

Music video credit:
Darrell Mansfield - Jesus Will Reign
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The Rock Almighty
Part of the US Sports Network

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