Mikki Willis - Gratitude for your testimonial!

11 months ago

In a recent interview on TRUTH LIVES HERE, Mikki Willis shared an important part of our journey together that has led to the start of the Plandemic Series.

“I see Anthony Fauci resurfaced in 2020. And I was like, wait a minute, that guy's in business? He killed 10s of 1000s of people in the 80s and 90s. And then I started researching and realizing, Oh, he had been involved in Ebola and H1N1 and other things where all these really suspect narratives unfolded.

And there was a common thread of medicine that actually helped, being demonized and kept from the people; and then these new patentable drugs being pushed on people that actually ended up doing harm and his long track record of this! How in the world is this man back at the helm of our global health crisis right now? And that's when I reached out to the only scientist I knew at the time, I reached out to Judy Mikovits. And I said, What hell was going on. I said, I'm going to come over and let's sit down and talk about it.

I went to her house, she lives 15 minutes from me, and she was just going nonstop. I said, Judy, I can't retain all of this. Let's go back to my studio. Let's sit down. And I'll turn on a couple cameras. And I'll put together a little podcast or something, and let's get this out to the world. I'm going to first verify everything you've said in this story, and then I'll put it out in the world. And let's hope that at least people will take this in as an alternative possibility. I started to do the research. I started, called Judy and she just opened up, she was very transparent.

I said, I want to talk to arresting officers. I want to talk to your attorneys. I want to talk to everyone that was involved in your case, and I start calling all of them and 100% of them: what she's saying is absolutely 100% True. And I had one attorney go: Let me just stop you because I see where you're going. Because I just want to tell you this: I don't represent Judy Mikovits anymore, so I have no dog in the fight. I get where you're going. I just want to say this: Judy Mikovits is the most honest person I've ever represented in all my years of doing this. So whatever she tells you is real.”

Full interview: https://rumble.com/v4jelao-all-things-plandemic-with-mikki-willis.html

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