Putin Threatens NATO with “World War III”

6 months ago

03/18/2024 Vladimir Putin warned NATO against any move that would risk direct conflict with Russia, saying this would be “one step away from World War 3.” The French president clarified some positions that the French troops would perform secondary functions, train military personnel in Ukraine, explain how to use Western equipment, etc. But Putin thinks this is not much different from what mercenaries do, he knows the armed military personnel of Nato countries are present there, and there is nothing good about this because they will die in large numbers.
03/18/2024 弗拉基米尔·普京警告北约不要采取任何可能与俄罗斯发生直接冲突的举动,称这将“距离第三次世界大战仅一步之遥”。法国总统表示法国军队将执行辅助任务,例如在乌克兰训练军人、讲解如何使用西方设备等。普京称这和雇佣兵做的没有太大区别,而且他知道北约国家的武装部队也已经在乌克兰了,这对北约部队不利,因其会大量阵亡。

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