ኢየሱስ እየሱስ የሱስ JESUS!

11 months ago

📌 #ኢየሱስ #እየሱስ #የሱስ #JESUS!
Hmm, it feels like yesterday! This video was taken about 17 years ago, while I was leading worship with VOG Church Choirs at VOG Church Kampala, Uganda. I hope and pray that as you listen to it, it will bless and uplift you as it did for me. 🙏🏽💞

📹 by Senay Tesfazion

In His Amazing Love, 🩵🤍
Hewan Abreha
#Designedtopray #HewanAbreha
#EnatGraphics #እናትግራፊክስ

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