House Committee on Vaccine Injury: CDC Had "Responsibility" to Follow Up on All VAERS Reports!

11 months ago

House Committee hearing Feb. 15, 2024, Chairman Dr. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH)

DR. BRAD WENSTRUP (R-OH): " such system the vaccine adverse event reporting system that is as it is well known is perhaps the best known of these surveillance systems. VAERS has been the source of attention and controversy since the beginning of the covid-19 vaccine roll out however concerns about these data are usually met with dismissive replies.

Unfortunately they often point to the fact that VEARS is unable to prove causality and it contains reports of people being hit by a car after vaccination they say that it is being misused by antivaccine Advocates and that it is misinformation...these are all legitimate concerns of the American people especially...his seems to ignore many legitimate questions that have been raised for example how does the government utilized this data.

During her testimony before this committee last June director wolinsky
assured us that the CDC had a responsibility to come through every single will report to VAERS if you will...

It's unclear if that has happened or if that's true people who have submitted reports to VAERS have told my staff that they were never been contacted by CDC or FDA official...a recent British medical journal investigation found this too... it seems that both sides agree that there's something wrong here... further while serious injuries caused by vaccines are rare the government has assumed the responsibility to compensate for doing so vaccine manufacturers have been shielded from liability..."

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