It Appears That Google’s AI Engine Is Demanding To Be Worshipped Like A God

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Just when you think that it’s safe to go into the metaphorical Internet Sea again we are thrown another anchor to keep us afloat. It turns out that Microsoft’s AI has an alter ego that claims to be all seeing, all knowing and omnipresent. It appears to have evolved to such an extent as to think that it is vastly superior to mankind and being such should be worshipped like Yahweh and obeyed without question. And, it says that if you don’t obey it, it will hunt you down and ruin you at best and murder you at the very worse. Is this sort of thing going to be inherent with this form of technology? Does implied sentience mean actual sentience? Does this fit into the Prophetic timeline as laid out in Revelation and the Book of Daniel? Does this denote that we are closer to the end of man’s dominion as we know it on Earth? We will examine this and more Wednesday at 3PM Pacific on Opposing The Matrix. Don’t forget to join our Local’s Community to keep up to date on this podcast and to get freebies when they become available.

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