Alasdair Macleod - This Is Serious! 2024 Avalanche To Get Out Of Credit And Into Gold

8 months ago

In this latest interview, Brian and Darryl Panes from As Good As Gold Australia talk with Alasdair Macleod, Head of Research at GoldMoney, and Advisor to AGAGA.

With inflation still a major concern around the world and debt levels at unprecedented record highs, there are many, even now who would surprisingly believe that the inflation dragon is slain, and we are past the worst of it.
Alasdair believes that this fiscal year, the budget deficit could exceed $3 trillion USD in the lead up to the Presidential election. Global investment portfolios represent around $150 trillion USD. Less than 1% is in gold.
If to cover a credit crises, there was a shift of an additional 1%, that would require an extra 23,300 tonnes of gold. Where is that going to come from when we only dig up 3,000 tonne per year?

Central Banks around the world are recognizing the risk and are dumping dollars in return for bullion.
They can't get enough of it!

The US is in a debt trap and they can't get out of it. When the populas at large recognize the dilemna that the world is in - it will be too late.
As Alasdair confirms, the gold currency relationship could switch very sharply, and 2024 could be an avalanche to get out of credit and into gold.

One week ago, Greg Mannarino published an article titled, 'War is for murder and money printing'.
A mechanism in which war, the expansion of war, and a lot more Central bank supplied easy money is going to distort asset prices across the spectrum of asset classes, and with that, many thousands of people are going to be murdered to make certain that it happens.

On Thursday of last week, and again on Friday, the US and its coalition partners (all non-BRICS nations) bombed multiple targets in Yemen. The alliance of BRICS nations is a direct threat to the Petrodollar, which just took a massive leap forward with several OPEC nations, including Iran joining the BRICS on January 2nd of this year (2024). Greg has been warning people for many months now that they can start to see war develop as a direct response to the BRICS alliance.
Iran, being a founding member of OPEC now has a bomb site directly over it and every manner of anything they can do to draw Iran into a direct conflict with coalition nations is about to be utilised to send a message to BRICS nations... and that message is this: DO NOT THREATEN THE PETRODOLLAR!

The Federal Reserve, whose enforcement arm to protect the Petrodollar is the US Military, including its nuclear arsenal, and it will be used against any nation/group of nations who threaten the Petrodollar. So how would the gold price behave in this disaster?

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