Obama. 2013. Church of The Nativity. Rapture Palooza. This is The End.

10 months ago

Barack Hussein Obama.

King James Bible Titles.

That Man of Sin. The Son of Perdition. That Antichrist shall come.
The Beast. A King. The Angel of the bottomless pit. Abaddon, Apollyon.

Apophis 99942. 13.4.2029. Revelation chapter 8. Trumpet 1 - 3.

Obama stands in the church of the nativity Bethlehem.
Birthplace of Jesus Christ.
Friday 22nd March 2013.

+ 2 Months 16 Days (216) 6x6x6 = Revelation 13:18. Obama born 216th Day of the year.

= Rapture Palooza Released USA 7th June 2013.
Antichrist, The Beast, Satan. Actor Craig Robinson.

Obama stands in the Church of the Nativity Bethlehem.
Friday 22nd March 2013. Birthplace of Jesus Christ.

+ 84 Days (Barack Hussein Obama born August 4th. 8.4.

= This is The End. USA Release 12th June 2013. Craig Robinson.
Another dark comedy that mocks, blasphemes the events of the book of Revelation.

Both movies were made and released to coincide with Obama's trip to the Church. A visual to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. The Beast revealed to be sure.

Obama. 22nd March 2013. Bethlehem.

+ 2 Months 16 Days (216)

= 1st release of Rapture Palooza. 7th June 2013.

2nd Release Cambodia 13th June 2013.

+ 8 weeks 4 Days within 61 Days (8.4.61)

= 3rd Release Australia 14th August 2013. Rapture Palooza.

+ 21 Weeks 6 Days (216)

= Last release worldwide Netherlands 14th January 2014. Rapture Palooza.

This truly is the Biblical End Of Days.

Barack Hussein Obama is bringing it.

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