Revelation 9:11. Barack Hussein Obama. 10 Downing Street Suprise visit.

9 months ago

A Promised Land. Published 17th November 2020. Covid Released.

+ 9 Days 11 Months (911) 804 + 19 + 61 + 21 + 6 = 911

Barack Husein Obama born:

8.4.1961. The 216th Day of the Year.
6x6x6 = 216 = Revelation 13:18.

= Renegades Published 26th October 2021.

Renegades meaning.

A person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles:

President Joe Biden.

Meets Rishi Sunak British Prime Minister at the Whitehouse.
Thursday June 8th 2023.

+ 9 Months 11 Days (9:11)

= President Obama.

Suprise visit with Rishi Sunak British Prime Minister at 10 Downing street.
Monday 18th March 2024.

President Biden.

Meets Rishi Sunak British Prime Minister at 10 Downing street.
Monday 10th July 2023.

+ 254 Days (September 11th = 9.11 Annually)

= President Obama.

Suprise visit with Rishi Sunak British Prime Minister
at 10 Downing street. Monday 18th March 2024.

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