Paparazzi Pup: Dog Steals Camera And Runs Around House

6 years ago

Dogs, like humans, sometimes do not enjoy having certain items around their personal beings. They bark and try to remove the offending item, same as us, essentially.

This Spaniel dog does NOT like having a camera in his face!

Teenagers love to antagonize their pets. It is mostly in good fun, but it is also the same kind of teasing that siblings do to one another. Though, we suppose, at the end of the day, pets are kind of like siblings, so a little teasing is to be expected. The teen boy in this video is clearly annoying the spaniel dog with the camera. The Spaniel in return is barking and kind of lunging at the camera. Eventually, at some point, and for reasons we are not clear on, the boy puts the camera on the floor. I am not sure if he was distracted but it appears that the boy starts to walk away from the camera. His dog takes that sign as a clear opportunity to take care of the camera once and for all.

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