Orphans Plight Creates Prime Opportunity for Some "Just in Time Training" About Blessing and Cursing

11 months ago

Orphans plight provides opportunity for some "Just in Time" Kingdom Training for justice. Learn how to pray for justice, in the midst of blessing and cursing. Discover timeless spiritual laws that address blessing and cursing. Learn how to plead your case in heaven while seeking justice on this earth.

Just this morning I received some good news and bad news from our kingdom family in India. This video includes some of the improvements they've made. You'll get to see how things have progressed. They have some water and power now.

Then you'll hear about John Mark's encounter with the local government as well as others who call themselves Christian. It provides an opportunity for what we used to call "just in time training." That's a phrase I learned from the Navy.

It is where you would use a present challenge to train and immediately put the training into practice with an operational end in mind. In this case, I'm going to share some of the coaching I gave our minister. This will include:

- Updates on our orphans
- How they are being persecuted and oppressed by some who call themselves Christian
- Spiritual laws about how blessing and cursing work
- How to plead your case in heaven
- A testimony from our application of that truth in what became an internationally reported case in Pakistan in 2012. A dramatic answer to Psalm 35:8.
- What the scriptures say about how to treat widows, orphans and the stranger
- Discover how people's actions and words can position them for blessing or cursing

To partner with these children visit https://kingdomleague.org/give/ and choose Orphans or Missions.

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