A&N Take a L00k@ "Lamya's [Propaganda]" & "Killers of the [PAGAN] Moon"

11 months ago

It is worth noting the Osage (coupled with being pagan, AND a threat to other tribes) migrated from place to place, common among Native American Indians. So the parallel They/Them drew with the Muzlims are evident - standard (UN)holyWould Anti-Christian propaganda. -SMH Oi Vey!

Today we're looking at the implications of Mass Media Moonies' relentless Antichristian propaganda, including grass-roots islamic conditioning, & Anti-European disinformation.
#Lamya'sPoem #killersoftheflowermoon
--- Mass Media Xposed - SEE FOR YOURSELF.

The Muzlim sow terrorzits which used her son as child-shield:

Church of the Holy Sepulcher referenced:

The truth about "the natives"

Last week's stream (minus the asinine counterproductive commentary)

Lamyas Poem Killers of the Flower Moon timestamps---
00:00:00 intro prayers & moment of silence
00:06:15 “What we have here is a failure to communicate”
00:09:10 “Lamya’s Poem” production notes
00:12:20 Socialist Media censorship note
00:20:50 Reflecting on last stream
00:32:25 looking into “Lamya’s Poem” content
01:21:35 Emasculation & Christian-bashing in “Are you there god…”
01:35:10 “Killers of the Flower Moon”
02:05:05 I need your help!

Forgive me, but on a personal note...
For about 2 years now I've been creating edited videos & producing livestreams that aim to expose "Hollywood's" Antichristian systemic/systematic agenda, including promoting pedoism/grooming, suicide, abortion, drug use, cannibalism, murder, sexism/feminism, etc., and I've additionally been exposing islam for the maliciously crafty cult which it is!

But personally things have come to a head for me financially as insatiably Antichristian family members have robbed me of my inheritance, the Chinese tutoring company I work for reducing my clientele to virtually nothing, and the home I live in literally falling apart (major water leaking in every room, electrical fire and other issues, gaping holes & cracks in the wall, etc.). I've literally put in thousands of job applications, but despite all my effort and academic training (including wowing professors with my PhD research framework; yet their refusal to take on the topic of empirical quantitative time-stamped proofs of mass media's precise Christian-bashing methodology), I cannot secure stable work or advance myself.

Instead, I've been combatting WWW censorship on social(ist) media, and still refuse to quit sharing the truth about islam & detrimental mass media conditioning. But for me to be able to continue this, I'm unfortunately now in need of financial support. And I'm fully aware of the struggles that we are all being subjected to these days, so forgive me for asking this of you. But I believe in this cause, and I will continue it to the day They/Them manage to fully shut me down, or even slowly murder me (starvation, homelessness, etc.)...!

In the meantime, if you are willing and able, please support this cause to the very end!!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCooIunkG7_n3z-7pE6taSRQ

Kyrie eleison!!! +++


PS: I'm not the biggest fan of Christians undermining other Christians, which makes them wolves in sheep's clothing, and works to create a divide between people and God (which is of Satan). So please don't +++

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