Spanish Scientists Find New Life Forms, Heads & Legs Hatch in mRNA Vax

6 months ago

03/14/2024 Spanish scientists Ricardo Delgado and his team had potentially the most disturbing finding in their latest experiments. After placing two drops of the Pfizer COVID vaccine in a reptile incubator under UV light at 37 degrees Celsius or 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit for 48 hours, they could see new life forms that include heads and legs appear to hatch in the mRNA vaccine under microscope.
03/14/2024 西班牙科学家Ricardo Delgado和他的团队在其最新实验中的发现可能是最令人不安的。在将两滴辉瑞新冠疫苗置于爬行动物培养皿中,并在37摄氏度或98.6华氏度的紫外线照射下培养48小时后,他们在显微镜下观察到,有“头和腿”的新生命形式似乎正在mRNA疫苗中孵化出来。

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