
9 months ago

KawathaFreedomGroup/KLTPA 6:06 PM
ZOOM MEETING INFO:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9259008609?pwd=WUFXQnVSZUtrMkxrRWVQWUlRS05JZz09Zoom.Meeting ID: 925 900 8609Passcode: 547803Subscribe thank You https://www.youtube.com/@constitutionalconventions6240
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Zoom 5-10 EST daily https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6945489985?pwd=UllwRmwzRUhWS2pXUWNQODNEbnhSZz09 SwT80SwT8
info@ConstitutionalConventions.caAssembly of Kawartha First Nation

~~~ DETAILS ~~~

WHO: Kawartha Freedom Group
WHAT: A group of informed concerned caring accountable individuals who
are aware of the times
WHERE: Willy's Man Cave (look for Teepees)
3900 Hwy 35 North, Cameron ON
WHEN: Mondays 7-9pm, Doors open at 6:30pm
WHY: We share knowledge and wisdom about how to navigate current times
and make life better for our families. We watch out for each other and
our neighbours.
HOW: We arrange for speakers to bring us up to speed on latest news, in
areas such as health, politics, and the economy, hosting live and on
Zoom.Meeting ID: 925 900 8609Passcode: 547803

KawathaFreedomGroup/KLTPA 6:06 PM
ZOOM MEETING INFO:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9259008609?pwd=WUFXQnVSZUtrMkxrRWVQWUlRS05JZz09


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