Human Digital Liberty

6 months ago

What: “Human Digital Liberty™” - - CYVA Research is a cybersecurity innovation, strategic research, and development firm. Our focus is developing disruptive cybersecurity, privacy and liberty technologies and strategies for our clients. Our internationally patented Self-Determining Digital Persona™ (SDDP™) technology is an owner-operator controlled, intelligent, self-protecting, self-governing, self-monetizing mobile identity agent (HW/SW).
The SDDP™ provides people and communities with the capabilities to protect, control and monetize their identity and information assets wherever they exist post-decryption. These capabilities are the foundation in forwarding disruptive innovate approaches to the challenges of security, privacy, and liberty in our presently hostile cyberspace.
CYVA’s Personal Information Agent™ provides people the capabilities to protect and control their personal information wherever it exists, post decryption: lock-at-will, erase-at-will, audit-at-will, change governing security, privacy, and monetization policy-at-will. We are re-engineering data objects to be owner-operator controlled, intelligent, self-protecting, self-monetizing.
Core to our escalating cybersecurity catastrophe is primitive-weak ‘dumb data’. This dumb data paradigm promoted by big tech is central to their business model and their mass collection and exploitation of our data. It is essential to our security, privacy, and liberty that we take control of our personal information and strategically counter the tyrannical anti-liberty surveillance state.
We call this Human Digital Liberty™.

Bio: Mr. O’Neil is Founder and CEO of CYVA Research. O’Neil is an entrepreneur, architect, technologist, privacy, and cybersecurity activist. He has 35 years of diverse experience in information technology, encompassing a variety of engineering, management, and consulting engagements in commercial and government sectors.

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